Sunday, December 25, 2011

Laser Surgery for Snoring

!9#: Laser Surgery for Snoring

Approximately 45 percent of the adult population in the world snores at least occasionally, while 25 percent are chronic snorers. Women and little children also snore at some point although this condition is most frequent in men and obese people and becomes worse with age. The vibratory sound, we call snoring, is produced when the free flow of air passing the air passage is obstructed and vibrates against the soft tissues on the nose and the throat area. Previously regarded as a mere nuisance, snoring has been recently associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrom (UARS), as well as illnesses like hypertension, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

With the recent findings, snorers have become conscious of their condition and desperate in looking for cures to their snoring problems. In 1990, patients who became frustrated with the home remedies, orthodontic appliances, and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) to cure snoring agreed to undergo the Laser-Assisted Uvula Palatoplasty (LAUP).

LAUP uses laser surgery for snoring and mild OSA by vaporizing the uvula and a part of the soft palate in a series of non-invasive procedures. Patients undergoing laser surgery for snoring are treated with a local anesthesia in an outpatient operation. Once the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor administers a CO2 laser to make two vertical incisions in the soft palate on each side of the uvula shortening it to eliminate that, which causes the obstruction. It takes five clinic visits each spaced four to eight weeks apart for the laser surgery for snoring to complete.

How long is the recovery period?

Most patients are able to get back to their daily routines on the same day although the patients are warned of a sensation similar to that of a sever sore throat that lasts up to ten days after the laser surgery for snoring. This can be relieved by analgesics and anti-inflammatory medicines.

Patients who received LAUP treatment reported 90% improvement in lessening the incidence of snoring and sleap apnea episodes. However, the problem arises in the scarring of the soft tissues of the palate that resulted in more obstruction and worsened OSA after a year or two. Statistics noted that only a third of those treated with the laser surgery for snoring were deemed a success.

Should you get LAUP treatment?

If you've tried all possible remedies for snoring and have been unsuccessful, and if your snoring is disruptive to others around you including you, then you could be a candidate. Prior to undergoing laser surgery for snoring, your otoralaryngologist will examine you to evaluate what's causing you to snore.

Laser surgery for snoring is not widely practiced yet but doctors are considering this treatment if everything else, including the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), fails. Like any other surgical treatments for surgery, you just have to be ready for its consequences vis-à-vis your snoring.

Laser Surgery for Snoring

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Wondering How To Stop Snoring? Here Are The Best Snoring Remedies

!9# Wondering How To Stop Snoring? Here Are The Best Snoring Remedies

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Here are some effective snoring remedies if you want to know how to stop snoring. These remedies fall into two major categories: long term and short term, or proactive and reactive or, preventative and prescriptive. Let's have a look.

How To Stop Snoring With Long Term Snoring Remedies

You need to know the difference between what will cure your snoring by attacking its root cause and what will merely mask it by only treating the symptoms (while the cause remains intact). Let's take a look at what is causing your snoring.

Snoring is caused by a narrowing of the airway to the point where air is partially obstructed causing the snoring noise to occur. It doesn't get more complicated than that. If the airway is completely closing cutting off breathing in the process, then we call that obstructive sleep apnea. If this is happening you need to see a doctor immediately. The preventative steps to eliminating snoring can also eliminate sleep apnea.

The secret of how to stop snoring with long term snoring remedies is to find out why your airway is narrowing during sleep. The first thing that should be considered here is weight. People who are overweight build up fat and tissue all over their body, including the neck and throat. Losing just 10 pounds of bodyweight can decrease or even stop snoring all together. If there is no improvement after losing 10 pounds then lose another 10 pounds. I'm serious! Losing weight will also put you at less risk of a myriad of other chronic diseases.

If you are as thin as a rail or you are certain that your snoring has nothing to do with your weight, then the next option you need to consider is throat exercises. These special exercises strengthen the muscle and tissue in your throat so the airway doesn't narrow during sleep and cause snoring. I talk about these exercises in other articles on my site.

Finally, if you are certain your snoring has nothing to do with being overweight. And, you have faithfully tried the throat exercises by still snore. Then and only then would I consider you a candidate for snoring surgery. However, this decision needs to be made with your doctor.

How To Stop Snoring With Short Term Snoring Remedies

Knowing how to stop snoring with short term snoring remedies is the second piece in curing your snoring problem. The long term remedy isn't going to give the results now. But, you need to stop snoring now. You need some solutions to stop your snoring while you are waiting for the long term remedy to kick in. Basically the effective approaches are of three kinds. First, make sure you are not doing anything to cause your throat to narrow while sleeping. The second approach is to control your sleeping position. The third approach are to use devices.

Keeping The Throat Open

Do not eat, drink or take anything that will cause your throat to relax and narrow. Do not drink alcohol, take pain medication or any medicine that causes you to relax before going to bed. These items cause the muscles in your throat to relax and your throat to narrow.

Sleeping Position

Sleep on your side, not your back. Sew a tennis ball to the back of a shirt and wear it while you sleep if you need to. Also, sleep with your head higher up. There are also special pillows you can buy for this.

Snoring Devices

Visit your local drug store and see what they have for snoring strips or other stop snoring devices. Maybe you will find one that works for you.

Remember that these short term solutions for how to stop snoring with snoring remedies are only going to stop the snoring temporarily. If for some reason none of these options don't work you will still snore. On the other hand, the long term approaches may get rid of your snoring for ever.

Wondering How To Stop Snoring? Here Are The Best Snoring Remedies

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Toxic Teeth?

!9# Toxic Teeth?

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In my last article, we discussed the fact that fluoride is not a healthful nutrient, but rather is a toxic waste product. It's more toxic than lead and almost as toxic as arsenic, and yet we actually add this poison to our water under the guise that it helps prevent cavities, when in reality it causes teeth to weaken and can even lead to bone cancer. This toxic waste product also shows up in most toothpastes and is promoted by most dentists, who also offer fluoride treatments. Now, I'd like to discuss another tooth-related toxin.

Since the 1800s, dentists have been using mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive substance in the world, in the so-called "silver fillings" or amalgams that they fill cavities with. These fillings are not primarily made of silver. They are, in fact, about 50 percent mercury! The second most prevalent ingredient in them is copper, which is also toxic beyond tiny amounts. The American Dental Association (ADA) claims that this mercury is stable, i.e. that it won't leech out of the teeth, but this is an absolute lie. Many studies have shown that the mercury in silver amalgams is definitely NOT stable and with it being implanted just a few inches from your brain, and with a direct route up the tooth's nerve, and knowing that mercury loves nervous (brain) tissue (it is widely known as a potent neurotoxin), this seems very unwise. Remember, this is the same toxic heavy metal that causes autism, tertiary syphilis, and mad hatter's disease. It may also be behind the fact that a huge number of dentists commit suicide every year.

"Mercury amalgams are a time-released poison."

So the mercury from fillings can affect you in multiple ways. When it vaporizes, you breathe it into your lungs where it enters your bloodstream and can go anywhere. You also swallow saliva that's laced with mercury. From your digestive tract, it can once again enter your bloodstream and go anywhere. And, as mentioned before, mercury has the ability to travel up nerves to the brain in a process known as retrograde axonal transport. It does this at the predictable rate of 30 mm(~1.2 inches)/day.

Dr. Hal Huggins is one of the world's foremost authorities on this subject. He's written several books, including his classic, It's All In Your Head and has saved the lives of thousands of patients by safely removing their amalgams. He claims to have cured over 1,000 people of multiple sclerosis merely by removing their silver amalgams and other dental toxins and helping them to detoxify metals from their bodies. Many other auto-immune diseases also clear up when this is done. That's because mercury fools your body into attacking its own tissues, thus leading to auto-immune disease. In fact, when scientists want to induce an auto-immune disease in animals in order to study these problems, they use mercury to do so! And yet, the CDC and other health authorities continue to say they don't know what causes autism, lupus, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) hypothyroidism, etc. Once again, this is a big, fat lie. I know the cause of these problems and so do many others. It's heavy metals, with mercury being at the top of the list. Aluminum, arsenic, lead, copper, and cadmium are other common disease-causing metals. That means, if you still have silver fillings in your mouth, and you have any health issues (or even if you don't), you should think seriously about having your amalgams replaced.

Replacing your amalgams is not something to take lightly, however. If you go to a dentist who's not been trained in this area, s/he will likely just drill out the mercury, causing its toxic dust and vapors to go everywhere. During the procedure, you will be breathing in a huge amount of the toxic metal and swallowing even more. Depending on the size of the filling and your dentist's technique, this huge exposure may amount to more mercury being absorbed during the procedure than you've absorbed in many years or even the entire life of the amalgam! This is exactly what happened to me a few years ago, so I'm speaking from direct experience.

As a child, I was allowed all the sugar I wanted. It was ever-present in our household. Like most kids, I also wasn't very fond of brushing my teeth, so I ended up with lots of cavities. These cavities were all filled with the mercury/copper amalgams. As an adult, some of those fillings started to shrink (proof they're not stable) and new cavities appeared in the cracks around the edges of the old fillings. So, my dentist (who was not trained in the safe removal of these toxins) drilled out the old stuff and replaced it with safer materials. I was glad to have several of my silver fillings replaced, but then, within a few months, my health began deteriorating.

At a seminar, while learning a new diagnostic method, I was tested by a colleague and was found to be pretty darned sick, despite feeling pretty good at the time. Partially because I didn't feel too bad yet, partially because I had always considered myself a healthy person, and partially because the person testing me was new at the technique, at first, I didn't trust the results. When I got back to my office that next week, I tested myself and got the exact same results my colleague had. A couple months later, I had a very experienced teacher of the technique test me. He too got the exact same results. He actually looked at me with concern and said, "You're pretty sick, huh?" At that point, I had to admit it. I was sick.

In a short time, I began to notice that, very often, when I swallowed, there was a distinct clicking/clunking in my throat. My energy was very low, I became very depressed, and every joint in my body became inflamed with just a slight increase in activity. These things all added up to my inability to exercise much more than walking, which led to even less energy and more depression. It eventually got to where I was so exhausted at the end of the work day, that I could barely drag my tired butt up the stairs at home. Each of these problems continued to get worse over time. The clicking in my throat became so noticeable that my wife could hear it while sitting on the couch next to me, and it was becoming hard to swallow. As my job requires the nearly constant use of my arms, shoulders, and hands, I was also starting to think about the need to find other employment. My hands, in particular, had become so painful that I was resorting to all sorts of things to try to relieve the pain...all without results. It actually felt like I had stress fractures around several of my finger joints. I started thinking that at this rate, I probably wouldn't be able to do my job for much more than another year, if that. Although I wasn't tested, I firmly believe I was developing (or had developed) rheumatoid arthritis. I had also become hypothyroid (thus, the depression and fatigue) and nobody seemed to know what was causing the clicking in my throat. In short, I was scared.

Luckily for me, I had some idea of what the problem might be. But up until this point, all my knowledge and all my efforts at healing myself were not doing the job. During this time, I had several hair analyses performed. Each of them showed extreme (literally off the charts) copper toxicity, but little or no mercury. I knew though, that mercury often doesn't show up on hair analysis-at least at first. (Mercury only shows up in the hair if it's actually circulating rather than staying put in your tissues. Other testing procedures, like DMSA challenge tests, will pull mercury from the tissues, and are better at finding this problem, but they can be very dangerous for the patient, as the newly mobilized mercury may settle in even worse places in your body. For example, it could pull mercury from your liver and deposit it in your brain. For this reason, I do not recommend these tests to anyone. For the same reason, I don't recommend I.V. chelation, at least not until late in the process of detoxing.) But I was still very suspicious of the mercury. So, I sought help from outside.

I went to a very knowledgeable doctor in my area for several months. He tested me using muscle testing and put me on a bunch of supplements, but once again, he did not find mercury as the culprit, and predictably, I did not improve under his care. Next, I travelled up to see an old friend from school who had some advanced training in Nutrition Response Testing. She checked me, again using muscle testing, and she was able to find the problem. Just as I suspected, she found mercury all over my body, but especially in my brain, prostate, and thyroid. She gave me a homeopathic remedy, an herbal formula, and some whole food concentrates.

I started taking the products right away and in a short time, all my issues started clearing up. The clicking in my throat, the pain in my hands and other joints, the depression and fatigue...all started going away. After being on the remedies and supplements for a couple months, I (being human) slacked off on my regimen and the symptoms started returning. I immediately went back on them and once again, the symptoms began disappearing. Three years later, I'm still working on this problem, and it's possible that I'll be detoxing forever, but that's not how it has to be.

For my remaining mercury fillings, I went to a biological/holistic dentist. He had special tools that allow for the safe removal of mercury fillings. I've now had all the metal removed from my mouth and my health is returning more every day. I wish I had had the temerity to seek this doctor's help in the first place, but I didn't, and I've learned a hard lesson that I hope to pass on to you. I hope you'll pass it on to others as well. Mercury is NOT something to mess around with. It can literally kill you and this poison should never have been allowed by the ADA or FDA to be permanently implanted into people's heads just inches from their brains. I actually witnessed as mercury and other heavy metals slowly killed my friend and colleague Dr. David Nilmeier. Right now, I have a patient who is dying from the same problem Dr. David had. His mouth is literally filled with mercury amalgams, which has led to a diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). I see mercury and other metals robbing the health of my patients practically every day. It is one of the biggest healthcare issues we face in today's world. In fact, I would say that heavy metals, in general, are the most common cause of chronic health issues that I see.

If you have any of these toxic fillings in your teeth, please, please, please don't have them removed by your dentist unless s/he has special training and the right tools for the job. My holistic dentist used a special instrument that vibrated the filling until it fell apart. Then he simply removed the fillings in a couple large chunks...much better than vaporizing the whole thing or turning it into metallic dust. Another method used by holistic dentists is to shield the surrounding area with a big rubber dam, and to have you breathing fresh air/oxygen through a tube. This is the more common method, though it may not be the best.

There are many substances that are safer than mercury amalgams to fill teeth with. Indeed almost anything would be safer. Common ingredients used in holistic dental offices include porcelain, plastic, glass, a composite resin, or some combination of these.

After amalgam removal and replacement, you'll want to work on detoxing your body. Again, this is best left to the experts and is far too much to go into here. If you want much more information on this very important topic, please read one of Hal Huggins's books (available on

The internet is a great tool to help you find a holistic/biological dentist in your area. This is a hugely important step, so please do not blow it off like I did. Other than this issue, I was a very healthy person when I allowed my regular dentist to drill out my fillings. I think this one mistake could very well have killed me, just like it did my old friend, if I hadn't found the right homeopathic and herbal remedies to help me get better. If I couldn't handle the massive exposure to the mercury dust and fumes, I don't suggest you try it. Stoicism is no protection from the toxic effects of this killer. So, do your research, find your doctor, and get the toxins out of your mouth!

This could very well be the missing piece to your healthcare puzzle. Good luck!

Toxic Teeth?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

CyberPower CP1000AVRLCD 9-Outlet Intelligent LCD UPS (1000VA/600W)

!9# CyberPower CP1000AVRLCD 9-Outlet Intelligent LCD UPS (1000VA/600W)

Brand : CyberPower
Rate :
Price : $99.99
Post Date : Nov 03, 2011 05:11:06
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Intelligent LCD Series CP1000AVRLCD UPS, designed for mid- to high-end computer systems, features dynamic line conditioning and an Intelligent LCD diagnostic display. Real-time system vitals can be viewed using this Crystal-Blue display. The unit can be conveniently placed in a workstation cabinet, or directly on a desktop. The CP1000AVRLCD guards against surges/spikes, and offers battery backup in the event of brownouts, or total power loss. Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) ensures that all your electronics are receiving clean power and maintains a safe voltage level. PowerPanel PE ¿ Management Software automatically saves and closes open files and then shuts down the computer system in an intelligent and orderly manner. The Intelligent LCD Series is also equipped with full dataline protection: RJ11/RJ45 (phone, fax, Ethernet, network, DSL) and RG-6 coax (DSS, cable modem, satellite, cable TV). ¿Surge-Only¿ outlets are perfect for the addition of peripherals such as monitors, printers, scanners, iPods, or CD/DVD players. The GreenPower UPS¿ technology used in this UPS unit significantly reduces energy-usage and cooling costs associated with UPS power protection. In fact, the GreenPower UPS¿ advanced circuitry bypass reduces energy use by up to 75% compared to a traditional UPS design. As a result, you can expect to save between -to-0 annually (varies based on model, and regional kilowatt per hour costs) by using GreenPower UPS¿ technology.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sleep Disorder - A Few Things to Know About a Sleep Study

!9# Sleep Disorder - A Few Things to Know About a Sleep Study

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What is Sleep Apnea?

Literally this means without breathe. People with sleep apnea stop breathing in their sleep hundreds of times during the night and are usually not aware of it until someone tells them they are snoring or they gasp for air in the night. Just because you snore doesn't mean you have sleep apnea. There are three types of apnea that should be treated to avoid illness, and possibly death. These types are obstructive, central and mixed. Obstructive, is where the tissues in the back of your throat (the little hanging piece of flesh) actually blocks your airway. Central, is where the brain does not trigger the reaction to actually breathe. Mixed, is combination of the two, where you are actually awakened gasping for air or a breathe.

What Damage Does This Disorder Actually Cause?

"Untreated, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, impotency, and headaches. Moreover, untreated sleep apnea may be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes."

The ASAA is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing injury, disability, and death from sleep apnea and to enhancing the well-being of those affected by this common disorder.

How is Sleep Apnea Actually Diagnosed?

Ironically, most people aren't aware of apnea unless someone else says that they snore or they gasp for air enough to cause alarm. Recently, while on vacation, my daughter woke me up several times in the night, yelling "mom breathe!"

At first I was confused because when I do fall asleep I am usually out like a light for many hours. My daughter is a research coordinator, for a sleep study, and with her experience she felt I should look into the problem.

I looked back on my sleeping patterns and realized that I stay up quite late, fall asleep while working and usually wake up exhausted everyday. I had gained weight this year and attributed the insomnia to a high carb, high sugar intake in the evenings.

On a routine visit to my doctor, I mentioned that I was always tired, my memory was diminishing, and I had gained a lot of weight. She ordered the standard blood tests and all came out well. I told her that my daughter had mentioned that I snore and gasp a lot in my sleep. She immediately said, let's do a sleep study. This may be the cause of your lack of energy, but more importantly if you are not sleeping, and breathing correctly you can do damage to your heart, brain, and body organs.

Your First Visit to A Sleep Study:

There is nothing more frightening than the unknown. I wish I had read an article about the study written by someone who actually went through one before I went. Hence, why I am writing this article. I can say that the second visit was much less frightening. I would like to make your visit as easy as it can be by telling you exactly what happens.

1. You are asked to arrive to the Sleep Clinic at 9:00 p.m.. Most clinics are not set up like posh hotels as you may read. Most are in the hospital on a floor that has 2 rooms marked off as sleep study rooms. Your room is furnished with a king size bed, a tv, and regular furniture so you don't feel like you are in a hospital. It is like staying in a motel room, and is bearable.

2. At 9:00 you are given paperwork to fill out describing your day. You will receive this paperwork again in the morning evaluating your night. So far all seems fine. If you are like me, you are ready to sit and work on the computer, or watch tv. I brought my books etc. plus the toiletries they suggested. I figured that I would fall asleep at my usual time of 2 a.m. or so. First thing you really should know: You will be hooked up to machines, and lights are out by 10:00 p.m. So don't bother with all the extras, you will not be able to do much productively.

3. Around 10:00 p.m., your nurse will come in to hook you to the machines. This is not the way people describe it too you. First of all you should wear very comfortable clothing. There are a series of wires attached to your body and head. These wires all are attached to a box which stays with you in bed. Two wires go down to the muscles on your calves, several on your chin, jaw, nose,and head. Bands are wrapped around your chest and abdomen. These wires are attached by a water soluble puddy that is globed on your body to hold the wires into place. You will have 10 quarter size clumps in your hair holding the wires to your head. More on your jaw, chin, legs etc. None of this hurts, it is just a very odd feeling. There are also two wires that sit in your nose.

4. When you get into bed you basically feel like you are bound with wire and "glue". What was not told to me, which may help you to understand, is that each wire reads a different part of your body's reaction to your breathing pattern throughout the night. If you are claustrophobic, make sure your nurse explains how much you can move, and the whole process to you. I believe it will help more than going in cold turkey. So now you are in bed. You lay on your back. Your covers can not come up above your collarbone. You are allowed two pillows. For many this is a very different way then they usually sleep. Wear comfortable pajamas, set your bedroom temperature before you get in bed. Wear socks if your feet get cold. Bring your own pillow. If you suffer from back problems when you sleep ask for a back support pillow. Once you are in bed, it is hard to take care of anything you need normally during the night. Most importantly, use the bathroom. Each time you wake in the night to go you must and call the nurse and be unattached to the machine .

5. Lights out, you lay on the bed on your back. There are two red lights on the ceiling and the room is dark. You are asked to do a series of tests so the nurse can register your reactions under awake conditions. Eyes blinking, eyes open, legs muscles bending, holding your breath, moving your stomach muscles in and out, rolling your eyes, gritting your teeth and making a snoring sound. This process takes about 15 minutes. If you normally take night-time sleeping medication, you will not be allowed to take these most of the time. So here you lay, waiting to fall asleep. You can turn on your side but your hands need to be above your waist and it is not comfortable. Eventually, hopefully you will fall asleep. Every move is registered and taped during the night. There are certain time line that are followed where markers are taken by the nurse. In fact, if you do fall asleep early enough and they feel you may benefit from the air mask they may ask you then to try it. If not, plan on coming back.

6. At 6:00 a.m. you are awakened by the nurse on the speaker and you are immediately asked to go through the series of tests as you had the night before. Shortly after, the nurse will remove the wires. The putty stays on! You will need to shower and wash your hair several times when you get home. Don't plan on going directly to work. You are told you may leave after the paperwork. You will not be given any information that day from the nurse.

7. After the doctor's have read all your reports they conclude you do or do not have a sleeping disorder. Then they decide your next step. The next step is usually to study if the air mask will help during the night based on the type of apnea you may have.

8. Visit two, the same exact routine as above except you are wearing an air mask.

What is an air mask?

Contrary to belief, the air mask has come a long way. Once a hard mask covering your face, it has been modified to provide you with the most possible comfort.
The masks are called CPAP masks. They are available in many sizes and shapes. They fit over your head by a velcro band. The band holds the cup on your nose. There are face masks, nose masks, tubes, many many alternatives. You can usually try several on before your second sleep study. I do have to admit, first that the pillow masks are light and you barely feel like you are wearing them; and secondly, that they whole system is easy to use and portable.

What happens in the Second Study?

This of course may be different for each of us, most likely you are repeating the first study with the apparatus on your face.

1. Try on an assortment of masks, find the one that you think you can sleep and move around in.

2. Have the nurse allow you to try each one on again with the machine on! This will make a big difference.

3. The machine, is a forced air machine. Due to the anatomy, when air is forced through your nose your throat and mouth will close. At first you will feel as if you were choking. Every time you open your mouth to breathe in your mouth will be closed as to avoid the airway being blocked. Once you practice breathing through your nose, you will be able to breathe naturally. Practice before putting the apparatus on so you can control the feeling. Once you fall asleep you will breathe naturally. This is for the nose masks only. They are much smaller and easier to use.

4. Second time around, with the mask, I was asleep by 11:00 p.m. Contrary to the first study where I stared at the red light on the ceiling and tossed and turned, this time I woke up at 6:00 am. I actually felt like I had slept through the night and was rested.

5. You will once again fill out paperwork and wait for your results. Either way, you really do learn a lot about your sleeping patterns. Sleep is essential part of the body's functioning. It isn't just 8 hours where you lay until morning. It actually affects every body system.

6. Wether you have apnea or don't, it is essential to chose a specific time to stop tv, games, work, and get in your bed. Turn off the lights the same time every night and sleep.

I hope this article helped bring a few things to light before you go into a sleep study. Be sure to bring your favorite pillow and best of luck.

Sleep Disorder - A Few Things to Know About a Sleep Study

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Monday, September 12, 2011

PR System One REMstar Pro CPAP Machine with C-Flex Plus (DS450)

!9#PR System One REMstar Pro CPAP Machine with C-Flex Plus (DS450)

Brand : Phillips-Respionics
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Sep 12, 2011 11:04:59
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Philips-Respironics "System One" REMstar Pro with C-Flex+ takes a smarter approach to the entire sleep management process. New features such as resistance control, advanced event detection, upgraded data management and reporting, and C-Flex+ put this CPAP machine on the cutting edge.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Self-Sabotage-Truth Lies Behind the scenes

!9# Self-Sabotage-Truth Lies Behind the scenes

[if ]

Most people want a happy, healthy, fulfilling, sustainable lifestyle while participating in practices or beliefs, to sabotage her target. What? Who would do such a thing? What would compel intelligent and conscientious people to do nothing less than the fulfillment of their happiness and health?

This paradox is hidden and frighteningly addictive. Everything we do has a secondary gain. On the surface of each man believes that his / her behavior, even thoseTo be dysfunctional or even destructive - about the so-called party drugs, smoking, obesity - are part of life - and have little or no interference with carrying out a desired against these objectives.

These secondary gains of negative behaviors are seldom obvious, but none-the-less is a misguided attempt to happiness, health and satisfaction with the desire of the people. Nobody wakes up and says: "I want a miserable, unhappy, unhealthy life." What then causes people tocontinue to dysfunctional behavior or self-destructive?

One of my clients, Lilly, was told to me by a urologist. His diagnosis was chronic infections of the bladder, a condition that is difficult to treat medical and creates pain and tenderness in his victims. Through techniques and strategies, combined Metaphysical Healing hypnotherapy, NLP, and philosophy, Lilly discovered that her symptoms were directly related to their dissatisfaction with their self-understanding. Other discoveries lead toUnderstand that their dissatisfaction had much deeper roots in their basic philosophy about life, expectations and self-esteem.

To make the process of discovering the secondary gains of illness and create realignment Lilly, the person answering these four questions:

1) How does____ benefit my life? (In the case of Lilly, a bladder infection). (Although this question seems to blame the victim, who may have this pain syndrome "advantages", remember that all the behaviors, attitudesunderlying diseases, and even secondary benefit, otherwise it would create or receive them).

2) How is ____ a detriment to my life?

3) How would _____ be a boon to my life?

4) How would _____ my life with a disadvantage?

Lilly found that bladder infections their shame and guilt about sexual activities, were established during his first marriage allowed to talk to appease - the one that was over long ago. These responses. reveals profound change in his philosophical outlook She realized that her self-esteem, their faith and the ability to "be a dutiful wife, 'and ask those were connected to them - family, friends and relations in the workplace and renovated their point of view of self-esteem and a sense of "Being dutiful" (their "inner self"), may release the symptoms of cystitis and renew their focus on real life his desires.

These dysfunctional orself-destructive behaviors, we can not achieve our objectives, tend to increase. For example, a two-year, received in his / her desire for love and attention and the acts which, hitting or biting. Later, the behavior was that of promiscuity, jealousy or addiction can be. If the underlying problems are not addressed, can manifest / her physical symptoms - autoimmune diseases, etc., cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, lupus, fibromyalgia,

There is convincing evidenceunderlying psychological and emotional links to the outbreak of the disease. A 30-year study by psychologists Suzanne C. Segerström, Ph.D., and Gregory E. Miller, Ph.D., says, "Stressful events reliably associate with changes in the immune system ... and the characteristics of these events are important. To determine the type of change that occurs," says Louise Hay: "Both the well in our life and illness are the results of the mental models of thought to make up our experiences in order.permanently delete a state, we must first work to dissolve the mental cause. "" Every choice we make, every thought and feeling that we have an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global. "Caroline Myss

Significantly, the researchers say these are supported type of exposure determine the nature of the resulting state. What is the main cause of stress? Years of research show that the root of stress is a mismatch betweena person's core values ​​and true beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. This misalignment is we feel the dissonance between the large and bright that we feel ("inner self"), who we are and our everyday experience, traditions, expectations, duty, obligation or wrong ideas about reality, and the regulations' indoctrination linked. Dislocations seemingly trivial as the bad habits that lead to great change has often manifests as disease.

MetaphysicallyHealing - Mind, Body, Spirit - is a process developed specifically for the sustainable development orientation towards the self and reality. This is an adventure of inner self-discovery, which contributes to a profound change of perspective, which means the substance and purpose in everyday life. The process combines personal philosophical reconstruction with specific techniques and proven strategies for greater clarity, well-being and contentment. The ultimate goal of the process is deliberately setAccess to the full range of human potential and health.

Abraham Maslow, a psychologist known pioneer in the study of human personality, gave a description of the deep deep self: these moments, he said, were positive, pure luck, when all the doubts, inhibitions, tensions, weaknesses and fears were shattered. That self-consciousness disappeared, independence and distance from the world. Maslow called these "peak experiences" not because of their rarity, and describedtheir healing properties for short duration. These states of consciousness and the connection can easily be achieved provided you know what to focus. Using a variety of techniques and strategies to promote the orientation can reach everyone, "peak times", the improvement of self-discovery, positive personal development and health.

Metaphysical Healing - Mind, Body, Spirit is for everyone, no matter how serious or trivial the situation may seem.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

!9# It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

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We have all heard the saying "early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", but this statement is true or just a catchy phrase used coercion with a child hesitated before going to bed?

In these times we are all so busy, hectic life. For hundreds of employees monitoring business, marketing, and finance conference for the mother of five children to school and soccer practice mix, we are all stingy for several hours of the day. LocationThey cut corners? Monday Night Football, or certainly not your favorite cooking show. Rather, when we are at a loss for the period, the answer is often simply skip a few hours of sleep. We really do not know every 8 hours, is not it? Or maybe not so chaotic in the morning and you prefer to stay outside, and three with the boys, does not rise until eleven o'clock the next morning. Eight hours is eight hours, is not it?

Though still in bed early that the result must not win the lotteryHe has a great impact on performance and mental alertness. Studies have shown that a person who goes to sleep from 23.00 to 01.00 clock alarm clock and the hours are more than one who has gone to bed at 3:00 to be rested zwischen 06:00 und 07:00 clock. Why is it so?

The body's sleep
Not all sleep is equally created. The body goes through different cycles, while sleeping, a little 'more relaxing and rejuvenating than others. While the rest, your brain controlsvarious restoration activities to keep in top shape and maximize the function the next day. Without adequate sleep hours of this repair, your body and your brain will not be able to operate at full capacity. This often leads to "lazy" and "groggy" behavior.

Scientific studies have shown that, during the opening hours of 11:00 and 01:00 clock, the body produces the highest amount of regeneration and growth hormones. If your body is at rest at this time, youmiss this much-needed services. You are becoming a fast battery and reduce the power drain out of the end.

I go to bed early, but I'm not really a morning person. Why is it so important to get up early?
During the hours 05:00 and 07:00 clock, the body at its tip to clean the digestive system. And 'the removal of harmful waste and toxins from the body and get up and start moving (and eating healthy liquids like water) at this time, helpsThis digestion. Get up early, keep the body functioning at high capacity from head to toe.

What are the sleep patterns?
During sleep, the body goes through a series of sleep, each with a different task it is necessary to regenerate for the next day. Deep sleep dreaming of sleep, are all vital for the body and mind.

There are two main stages of sleep: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Non-REM sleep consists of four phasesSleep, each deeper than the last. REM sleep is to sleep your dreams. During this time, the eyes move back and forth under the eyelids.

The stages of sleep (NREM)
Phase 1 - This phase is the transition into sleep. It only takes about five minutes. Eyes moved slowly under the eyelids and are easily aroused.
Level 2 - This is the first real stage of sleep, lasting from 10 to 25 minutes. It slows the movement of the eyes, the drops of body temperature and heart rateslowed.
Stage 3 - deep sleep. During this phase, there will be very difficult to wake up and if you often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes.
Step 4 - Intense deep sleep. This phase is the deepest sleep. Are extremely slow brain waves. Blood flows from the brain and the rest of the body repair and supply, restoring physical energy.

REM sleep (Dream Sleep)
Approximately 70 to 90 minutes after falling asleep, you enter REM sleep in which dreaming occurs. Viewmove quickly. The breathing is shallow. The limbs are paralyzed. Heart rate and blood pressure increases.

Many people think that once they fall asleep in a deep state of sleep, stay awake until it's time. The reality is more complicated. How do you sleep, your body goes through a predictable pattern of sleep, the transition between the deeper stages of non-REM sleep and REM. The deepest sleep occurs every time in the late hours of the night. Missing in his sleepfeatures are cut into the next day.

The importance of deep sleep and REM
Deep sleep is when the body is not his restoration work for the next day. The negative effects of sleep deprivation from sleep is deep inadequate. It plays an important role in maintaining your health development, growth and overall. Fills your muscles and makes your immune system. Missing sleep can lead to illness and even inertia.

Just as deep sleepRestoration of the body restores REM sleep and renew the spirit. It plays a key role in memory and learning. Are processed during REM sleep, the brain stores all the information you learned on that day, store them away for later use. If one is deprived of adequate sleep, your body will probably cut into your REM sleep.

Getting enough sleep at the right time and increase your overall health and immune system, which will make you more healthy for sure. To help get enough sleep to keepREM sleep can in fact learn from them. Maybe we should pay more attention to the proverb. It 'possible that with a body, healthy work and spirit are awake and alert, may in fact, the skills and the ability to follow your dreams and can in turn gives added richness (or at least the means with which to survive). But at a price. Get up early to bed early. The question is: are you willing to pay that price?

It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

BiPAP Plus M Series with Bi-Flex

!9# BiPAP Plus M Series with Bi-Flex

Brand : Respironics | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Aug 28, 2011 17:09:47 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Patients who cannot comply with traditional sleep therapy need more than a new device. That's why we've combined the superior comfort of Bi-Flex with the sleek, easy-to-use design of our M Series devices to create sleep therapy solutions that finally allow patients a chance to take control of sleep apnea - without taking over their entire nightstand. The BiPAP M Series Sleep Systems currently feature the BiPAP Plus M Series with Bi-Flex and the BiPAP Auto M Series with Bi-Flex.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Respironics REMstar Pro M Series CPAP with C-Flex and Smartcard

!9# Respironics REMstar Pro M Series CPAP with C-Flex and Smartcard

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Post Date : Aug 23, 2011 23:48:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Respironics REMstar Pro M Series CPAP with C-Flex and Smartcard combines the amazing comfort of C-Flex, optional integrated humidification and the Encore Pro SmartCard capability to give you the power of enhanced compliance reporting of apnea/hypopnea index, elevated leak levels, and snoring.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to fall asleep faster and stay asleep! The secret that no one knows

!9# How to fall asleep faster and stay asleep! The secret that no one knows

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Place is desperately trying to sleep and wake up frustrating harmful to health, relationships and your life in general. You are not alone, many people suffer the same problem.

She was lying in bed, you're tired, very tired as a fact. It feels like a dead weight, but your mind is racing a hundred times faster than they ever do. You feel as if plugged into an outlet and it is on! I'm too tired to get upand do nothing. He lay there, with a variety of things in your head. Try to find out how you're going to fix everything. It tries to solve the problems for children to discover, or how you're going to stop them from sucking the financial life out of you. Add your own cents desperate to work the numbers for the next several months repayments. Do you worry about what you said about Freddie to work the day before, or give yourself a hard time to talk with your partner, yourThe parents or your best friend like you. He lay there and thought about how you go to your responsibilities and get everything ready in time. It was there in a state of fear, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration. Oh dear ... the list goes on.

Then, about 05.30 clock buzzing after hours of severe head, is to fall into a deep sleep, a good night's sleep. You're really in the dream state ... until you hear buzzzz. And 'the alarm in the distance, pull from the depthsThey need to sleep as much much more.

So what's the secret to falling asleep and staying asleep, that nobody knows?

There is a lot of tips on how to sleep as the mattress and pillows are of good quality and comfortable, counting sheep, keep the bedroom cool, dark place, you should take a warm bath before going to bed, keep a Time to go to bed routine written, but the most effective solution has not yet been discovered by many professionals.

What is it?


Insert a CD player next to the bed with a CD of meditation in it. It 'important to first set to go to sleep, as it makes the task much easier, if you're tired and tinkering around in the middle of the night. If you wake up, all you have to do is roll over, and press the button. A good meditation - relaxation CD with a professional who leads you gently into a deep relaxation and a quiet place, you feel relaxed, comfortable and again in a blessedSleep in no time. You can also use a meditation CD for your iPod and use it wherever and when ever you decide.

Yes, you can fall asleep quickly, it is this simple technique will make you wake up in the morning, rested, happy and ready to begin the day with energy and enthusiasm.

How to fall asleep faster and stay asleep! The secret that no one knows

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Climate change - Health concerns about global warming

!9# Climate change - Health concerns about global warming

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Global warming affects the environment and the health of people in this environment. Climate change impact of human habitats as animal habitats. Human health is very sensitive to these changes.

Global warming has caused the rise in temperature in the room. Devastating heat waves have occurred recently in parts of the world, not accustomed to extreme heat. Heat waves in Europe in 2003 had up to two weeks, and temperatures rose as high as104 degrees Fahrenheit. Even if the temperatures are so common in this part of the American Southwest, the European summer is usually much cooler. More than 35,000 people died there because of the heat wave this year. They were poorly equipped to cope with their changing habitats.

There have also been heat waves in North America. A request in 2006, 226 lives. Another consequence of global warming is an increase in pollen in the air. Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide promotes the growth ofmajor producers of pollen weeds. Those who suffer from allergies and asthma, because more pollen means worse air quality. The incidence of tropical diseases has increased, as the disease-carrying mosquitoes are able to places that life once too cold for them. The mosquitoes are malaria, new regions of Indonesia and spread dengue fever has reached heights in the Andes of Colombia, where it has never seen before.

Health concerns associated with global warming areFloods, which sometimes occurs as a result. If you suddenly storms and floods, it is often impossible to transport sick or injured people to medical facilities in time. Driving accidents and accidental drowning during floods to increase. The confusion, which must be cleaned after the flood, in the degree of exposure to high concentrations of mold, which many people have severe allergic reactions such as hives or lead to swelling of the tongue.

Since global warming has the potential to damage the food supply,Agrarian societies in underdeveloped countries are at a greater risk of malnutrition.

If everyone knew what global warming can affect their health, they could more inclined to work on a solution. Until then, those who need to understand the effects of global warming to work even harder.

Climate change - Health concerns about global warming

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Respironics Remstar M Series with Humidifier

!9# Respironics Remstar M Series with Humidifier

Brand : Remstar | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Aug 04, 2011 04:12:03 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Respironics' REMstar M Series redefines the entry-level CPAP market. It is smaller, sleeker and easier to use to better fit with a patient's sleep environment and lifestyle. And the new REMstar M Series offers new compliance reporting capabilities with Encore® Viewer 1.0 software.The new platform design is convenient for travel with and without the integrated humidifier. The standard travel carry case has been updated with a new sleeker look. Optional travel accessories are also available for packing the device in a suitcase and for use when traveling internationally or when a portable battery or DC adapter is required.

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