Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Self-Sabotage-Truth Lies Behind the scenes

!9# Self-Sabotage-Truth Lies Behind the scenes

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Most people want a happy, healthy, fulfilling, sustainable lifestyle while participating in practices or beliefs, to sabotage her target. What? Who would do such a thing? What would compel intelligent and conscientious people to do nothing less than the fulfillment of their happiness and health?

This paradox is hidden and frighteningly addictive. Everything we do has a secondary gain. On the surface of each man believes that his / her behavior, even thoseTo be dysfunctional or even destructive - about the so-called party drugs, smoking, obesity - are part of life - and have little or no interference with carrying out a desired against these objectives.

These secondary gains of negative behaviors are seldom obvious, but none-the-less is a misguided attempt to happiness, health and satisfaction with the desire of the people. Nobody wakes up and says: "I want a miserable, unhappy, unhealthy life." What then causes people tocontinue to dysfunctional behavior or self-destructive?

One of my clients, Lilly, was told to me by a urologist. His diagnosis was chronic infections of the bladder, a condition that is difficult to treat medical and creates pain and tenderness in his victims. Through techniques and strategies, combined Metaphysical Healing hypnotherapy, NLP, and philosophy, Lilly discovered that her symptoms were directly related to their dissatisfaction with their self-understanding. Other discoveries lead toUnderstand that their dissatisfaction had much deeper roots in their basic philosophy about life, expectations and self-esteem.

To make the process of discovering the secondary gains of illness and create realignment Lilly, the person answering these four questions:

1) How does____ benefit my life? (In the case of Lilly, a bladder infection). (Although this question seems to blame the victim, who may have this pain syndrome "advantages", remember that all the behaviors, attitudesunderlying diseases, and even secondary benefit, otherwise it would create or receive them).

2) How is ____ a detriment to my life?

3) How would _____ be a boon to my life?

4) How would _____ my life with a disadvantage?

Lilly found that bladder infections their shame and guilt about sexual activities, were established during his first marriage allowed to talk to appease - the one that was over long ago. These responses. reveals profound change in his philosophical outlook She realized that her self-esteem, their faith and the ability to "be a dutiful wife, 'and ask those were connected to them - family, friends and relations in the workplace and renovated their point of view of self-esteem and a sense of "Being dutiful" (their "inner self"), may release the symptoms of cystitis and renew their focus on real life his desires.

These dysfunctional orself-destructive behaviors, we can not achieve our objectives, tend to increase. For example, a two-year, received in his / her desire for love and attention and the acts which, hitting or biting. Later, the behavior was that of promiscuity, jealousy or addiction can be. If the underlying problems are not addressed, can manifest / her physical symptoms - autoimmune diseases, etc., cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, lupus, fibromyalgia,

There is convincing evidenceunderlying psychological and emotional links to the outbreak of the disease. A 30-year study by psychologists Suzanne C. Segerström, Ph.D., and Gregory E. Miller, Ph.D., says, "Stressful events reliably associate with changes in the immune system ... and the characteristics of these events are important. To determine the type of change that occurs," says Louise Hay: "Both the well in our life and illness are the results of the mental models of thought to make up our experiences in order.permanently delete a state, we must first work to dissolve the mental cause. "" Every choice we make, every thought and feeling that we have an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global. "Caroline Myss

Significantly, the researchers say these are supported type of exposure determine the nature of the resulting state. What is the main cause of stress? Years of research show that the root of stress is a mismatch betweena person's core values ​​and true beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. This misalignment is we feel the dissonance between the large and bright that we feel ("inner self"), who we are and our everyday experience, traditions, expectations, duty, obligation or wrong ideas about reality, and the regulations' indoctrination linked. Dislocations seemingly trivial as the bad habits that lead to great change has often manifests as disease.

MetaphysicallyHealing - Mind, Body, Spirit - is a process developed specifically for the sustainable development orientation towards the self and reality. This is an adventure of inner self-discovery, which contributes to a profound change of perspective, which means the substance and purpose in everyday life. The process combines personal philosophical reconstruction with specific techniques and proven strategies for greater clarity, well-being and contentment. The ultimate goal of the process is deliberately setAccess to the full range of human potential and health.

Abraham Maslow, a psychologist known pioneer in the study of human personality, gave a description of the deep deep self: these moments, he said, were positive, pure luck, when all the doubts, inhibitions, tensions, weaknesses and fears were shattered. That self-consciousness disappeared, independence and distance from the world. Maslow called these "peak experiences" not because of their rarity, and describedtheir healing properties for short duration. These states of consciousness and the connection can easily be achieved provided you know what to focus. Using a variety of techniques and strategies to promote the orientation can reach everyone, "peak times", the improvement of self-discovery, positive personal development and health.

Metaphysical Healing - Mind, Body, Spirit is for everyone, no matter how serious or trivial the situation may seem.

Self-Sabotage-Truth Lies Behind the scenes

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