Friday, September 2, 2011

It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

!9# It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

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We have all heard the saying "early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", but this statement is true or just a catchy phrase used coercion with a child hesitated before going to bed?

In these times we are all so busy, hectic life. For hundreds of employees monitoring business, marketing, and finance conference for the mother of five children to school and soccer practice mix, we are all stingy for several hours of the day. LocationThey cut corners? Monday Night Football, or certainly not your favorite cooking show. Rather, when we are at a loss for the period, the answer is often simply skip a few hours of sleep. We really do not know every 8 hours, is not it? Or maybe not so chaotic in the morning and you prefer to stay outside, and three with the boys, does not rise until eleven o'clock the next morning. Eight hours is eight hours, is not it?

Though still in bed early that the result must not win the lotteryHe has a great impact on performance and mental alertness. Studies have shown that a person who goes to sleep from 23.00 to 01.00 clock alarm clock and the hours are more than one who has gone to bed at 3:00 to be rested zwischen 06:00 und 07:00 clock. Why is it so?

The body's sleep
Not all sleep is equally created. The body goes through different cycles, while sleeping, a little 'more relaxing and rejuvenating than others. While the rest, your brain controlsvarious restoration activities to keep in top shape and maximize the function the next day. Without adequate sleep hours of this repair, your body and your brain will not be able to operate at full capacity. This often leads to "lazy" and "groggy" behavior.

Scientific studies have shown that, during the opening hours of 11:00 and 01:00 clock, the body produces the highest amount of regeneration and growth hormones. If your body is at rest at this time, youmiss this much-needed services. You are becoming a fast battery and reduce the power drain out of the end.

I go to bed early, but I'm not really a morning person. Why is it so important to get up early?
During the hours 05:00 and 07:00 clock, the body at its tip to clean the digestive system. And 'the removal of harmful waste and toxins from the body and get up and start moving (and eating healthy liquids like water) at this time, helpsThis digestion. Get up early, keep the body functioning at high capacity from head to toe.

What are the sleep patterns?
During sleep, the body goes through a series of sleep, each with a different task it is necessary to regenerate for the next day. Deep sleep dreaming of sleep, are all vital for the body and mind.

There are two main stages of sleep: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Non-REM sleep consists of four phasesSleep, each deeper than the last. REM sleep is to sleep your dreams. During this time, the eyes move back and forth under the eyelids.

The stages of sleep (NREM)
Phase 1 - This phase is the transition into sleep. It only takes about five minutes. Eyes moved slowly under the eyelids and are easily aroused.
Level 2 - This is the first real stage of sleep, lasting from 10 to 25 minutes. It slows the movement of the eyes, the drops of body temperature and heart rateslowed.
Stage 3 - deep sleep. During this phase, there will be very difficult to wake up and if you often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes.
Step 4 - Intense deep sleep. This phase is the deepest sleep. Are extremely slow brain waves. Blood flows from the brain and the rest of the body repair and supply, restoring physical energy.

REM sleep (Dream Sleep)
Approximately 70 to 90 minutes after falling asleep, you enter REM sleep in which dreaming occurs. Viewmove quickly. The breathing is shallow. The limbs are paralyzed. Heart rate and blood pressure increases.

Many people think that once they fall asleep in a deep state of sleep, stay awake until it's time. The reality is more complicated. How do you sleep, your body goes through a predictable pattern of sleep, the transition between the deeper stages of non-REM sleep and REM. The deepest sleep occurs every time in the late hours of the night. Missing in his sleepfeatures are cut into the next day.

The importance of deep sleep and REM
Deep sleep is when the body is not his restoration work for the next day. The negative effects of sleep deprivation from sleep is deep inadequate. It plays an important role in maintaining your health development, growth and overall. Fills your muscles and makes your immune system. Missing sleep can lead to illness and even inertia.

Just as deep sleepRestoration of the body restores REM sleep and renew the spirit. It plays a key role in memory and learning. Are processed during REM sleep, the brain stores all the information you learned on that day, store them away for later use. If one is deprived of adequate sleep, your body will probably cut into your REM sleep.

Getting enough sleep at the right time and increase your overall health and immune system, which will make you more healthy for sure. To help get enough sleep to keepREM sleep can in fact learn from them. Maybe we should pay more attention to the proverb. It 'possible that with a body, healthy work and spirit are awake and alert, may in fact, the skills and the ability to follow your dreams and can in turn gives added richness (or at least the means with which to survive). But at a price. Get up early to bed early. The question is: are you willing to pay that price?

It's early to bed, early to allow us to get really healthy, wealthy, and wise?

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